Audeara news

Audeara headphones help deaf music fans hear everything

Audeara headphones help deaf music fans hear everything

Audeara CEO Dr James Fielding caught up with Dr Brandon Gien from Good Design Australia on this episode of Australia By Design: Innovations. Also hear from cochlear recipient Elliot Miller on how...
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Audeara launches new product – the A-02

Audeara launches new product – the A-02

We are pleased to announce the launch of Audeara’s new product – the A-02 Headphones and A-02 TV Bundle, incorporating Audeara’s personalised Bluetooth Headphones and TV Streamer.
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An interview with 4BC John Stanley on mask wearing and hearing

An interview with 4BC John Stanley on mask wearing and hearing

Dr James Fielding caught up with John Stanley from 4BC to discuss how wearing masks and physical distancing can help identify hearing loss. Skip to 1:27 to hear the interview.  
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An interview with 4BC John Stanley on mask wearing and hearing

An interview with 4BC John Stanley on mask wearing and hearing

Dr James Fielding caught up with John Stanley from 4BC to discuss how wearing masks and physical distancing can help identify hearing loss. Skip to 1:27 to hear the interview.  
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Boardroom basics: Insider strategies to get your idea across the line

Boardroom basics: Insider strategies to get your idea across t...

University of Queensland alumni Dr James Fielding was recently asked to contribute his expertise to Momentum: UQ’s business school magazine.
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Stapes – the coolest bone in the human body

Stapes – the coolest bone in the human body

Did you know the adult human has over 206 bones in their body? Of these, the smallest and lightest is the stapes. The stapes is one of three tiny bones that make up the ‘ossicles’ in the middle ear. 
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